It was fun to watch the boys play together. Their favorite game was hide-and-go-seek. First they would count together to ten before rushing off to find Michael. Then they would hide in the exact same spot where Michael had and giggle hysterically when he found them. If Michael didn't find them soon enough, they would provide helpful hints such as, "I'm right here." I know, the concept of the game is still a little over their heads.
A rare moment when I was able to capture all the kids in one photo.
Spencer loved this park. He and Ian briefly enjoyed the tire swing before rushing off in different directions.
Spencer wanted to do some climbing. He's not ready for this structure yet but maybe by our next visit.
Avery, in addition to crawling, pulling herself up and chewing on everything within reach, was going through a separation anxiety stage. She would start crying whenever her parents (especially Trina) left the room. It wasn't until the last day that she let me hold her. That's one of the reasons I look so happy in this photo.
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