Pretending to drive Mommy's car has become one of the boys favorite activities. Every day when we return home from preschool, the boys want to climb behind the wheel. Nico, who has impressive language skills for a child not yet two, still confuses words at times, much to our amusement. "Backseat, backseat," he chants, when what he really means is "I want to climb into the front seat right now and press every single button." Some days I acquiesce and other days I pretend not to understand.
The boys find it hilarious whenever we get in the car and discover that the radio and air conditioner are blasting, my turn signal is blinking and the windshield wipers are swishing. Inevitably the front seat shenanigans leads to horn honking at which point, playtime is over. Do our neighbors ever wonder why I'm honking at our front porch every afternoon? Not to worry, I would tell them, I'm just the crazy lady next door. HONK!