Saturday, June 28, 2008

Swinging with Zach

This Saturday morning, the El Segundo kiddie pool opened for the summer season. While waiting for the gate to open, the boys got a chance to practice baseball swings with each other's tees. Zach is already practicing his swing with a tee which ejects a ball into mid-air just like Goldilocks trying porridge: sometimes too low, sometimes too high, sometimes just right. Spencer was still learning the point of the auto-tee. If the ball just kind of flopped out and rolled away, Spencer would chase after it, "hit it" (on the ground) and then run back to the tee to hit the next ball that popped out (and then, usually, run after it as it rolled away to whack it on the ground). Hey, he's learning!

And he learned a neat trick from his friend Zach: throw a ball to your dad in the pool who will dive any direction to catch it (and usually go underwater)! There were laughs and laughs as both dads dove to catch each pass. But damn!, everyone agreed, that water was COLD!

After drying off and warming up, the boys hung out on the playground for a while longer and took a spin in the tire swing together (above).

The Pogos drove down to Nana's house after naptime and arrived with a tired (and hyper) Spencer in tow. Still insisting on doing everything himself, he took himself out of the car seat, grabbed his suitcase and wheeled it up to Nana's front door. Then he knocked until she opened it wide and greeted him with hugs and kisses.

No one reads the Spanish-language story books at bedtime like Nana...

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