Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Dr. Appointment that Made an Impression

Spencer brought it up, we didn't. From the backseat, he offered: "Doctor hurt my finger." Your finger, Spencer? "Yeah, put bandaid on it." Well, how did you get that bandaid off? (Let's see if he remembers biting at the bandaid when he wanted to get it off). "I don't like that." Don't like what? "Doctor hurt my finger." She did, what happened? "It was bleeding." That's right, they had to draw some blood at the doctor's office. "Yeah, put bandaid on it." How did the bandaid come off, Spencer? "I don't like that."

And that's how the doctor / bleeding finger / bandaid on / don't like that-story got started. And was repeated four times on the ride home. The poor little guy just relayed those four details four separate times over (eventually with no prompting), as if he was replaying the sequence in his head. Always the same conclusion: "I don't like that." That 2-year checkup made quite an impression. (Mike)